7:20 AM A word from God....

So, God spoke to me.. or rather God slapped me silly.... I gotta figure out why He's been doing this to me a lot...

Within all the talk about Obama and McCain... and McCain and Obama... There are a few key issues that everyone should be wrestling with....

One that keeps coming into play is the health care issue.. Now if you're a believer in Jesus, this is for you.. I'm excited to share this because for myself and my faith in Christ, what God brought to my attention really reminded me of how small I really am without Him... God spoke to me on this, not a word that was only for me... But a word that I believe is for all of us that follow Jesus..

Through pondering and prayer I listened...

He said... (not audibly by the way...)

I've given you a free health care system... The problem is you've abandoned it... You don't "really" believe in healing the sick, You don't "really" believe that I can touch the maimed, in fact you are uncomfortable.. especially seeing them among where you walk... It is easier for you to touch the sick when you are abroad, away from your own camp and in your own time..... You don't "really" believe that I can destroy the toxins and viruses that harm millions of people daily... You just say that I can... You don't "really" want to hear My Voice...You have abandoned that part of Me.... I demonstrated for you how one could heal the sick, make the broken unbroken and cast out anything that places harm upon My children... But you are not willing to trust in Me.. You are not willing to trust that I choose to not heal sometimes... You give more faith to broken promises, to ideas that skew what my heart is really about... You try and solve your problems but in fact create others in return... You think robbing from the rich is the answer to feed the poor... You oppress the poor because you fail to teach them My word... My honor is not in that... My heart does not set out to punish one of my children to accomplish the needs of another... You are only shifting your problems, and pointing your faith to Godlessness... I am not with you there, I am over here.. You ignore my promise... You miss out on My love because you lack obedience... I'm yelling, I'm screaming, I'm dying and yet you do nothing to help... When I'm naked, you make sure you are clothed first.. then you clothe Me... When I am hungry, you feed me when you are full... I weep because you have gathered yourself around a false hope. You will not let me dream.... You will not let me be your God...

I don't know if this shakes you, but it sure shakes me... I try to hear God in every thought I process, this took over my thoughts.. I felt encountered by the Father... For me, I believe in order to hear from the Father we have to persevere beyond our flesh.. We have to lay to sleep after the sun has set and awaken before the sun rises... We have to walk in our gifts daily.. We have to surrender and take a hold of our cross.. and most importantly we have to let God use us, especially when "we" don't want to be used... I feel like God is telling us that His Heart is all around us and we refuse to see it. Although God has the power to abolish all of the wicked and hurtful things in our world He has designed things in a way that puts the baton in our grasp... We need to let God out of the box...

To steal a little excerpt from Nate..... God is "gooder" than we think...