3:37 PM Voice for the Voiceless 3

This will be my last post regarding this topic.. Mainly because I'd like to spend sometime wrestling through more of this and allowing God to minister to my heart regarding my approach to what I want to say in my short ebook.. I know I have a decent amount of people that peek in from time to time... even though they don't chime in on any of the discussions.. Probably wise on their part...

Further more I'd like to leave whomever has thoughts about the issue with abortion with this...

a shared statement..

If I’m an unborn child (and we all were), I’m willing to take my chances without healthcare, and with poorly performing public schools and a broken federal welfare system, if you promise to keep the skin-eating acid off my flesh and the buzzsaw away from my skull - sound fair? Give me a shot at life (which I would guess you value for yourself) and I will sort out the financial ups and downs from there....